Reveal the Detail with Bi4Cloud

Bi4Cloud pre-packages over 60 favourite reports with Bi4Cloud and these are divided into Categories.


Selecting a Category shows only the  favourites in that Category. In the screenshot below we selected the Category Sales and so only Favourites of that Category are displayed.

These Favourites are created by using he BI4Cloud tool and they are meant as a starting point for you to create your own favourites. 

You can learn more about using BI4Cloud and Creating your own favourites by watching BI101 video.

You can drill down through a dimension all the way to the detail transaction.




The favourites we created are the result of commonly asked reports and show the fields people normally ask for.

If we run Sales (Item) - Items by Customer we get the following result on a Clearwater Demo file.

There are several metrics displayed here about the selected dimension Item Number


We chose to display only those metrics so that the screen is not cluttered but there are many more fields to choose including more fields for the Item as well as the availability of more Metrics. If you press the +/-Cols you will see a selection screen.


Selecting the additional metrics and display them an new columns. 


The MYOB Clearwater Demo has a limited dataset so we will change the Group By to (No Grouping) and change the data to All Dates which gives a larger dataset. In the screenshot we have sorted by Discount %


We can also see Customer Counts for each time a customer buys that product in the selected data range.

If we change the report to pivot Item vs Sales Quarter and select only the Customer Counts we can then see buying trends.


There are many powerful reports that can be created such as reports in this Sales KPI Blog post or determining Who has stopped buying article.

The example are on Sales Items but the same BI tool is mapped across Inventory, Jobs, Accounts Receivable, Account Payable and General Ledger. The same technique of selecting a Reports Type, one or more Dimensions and one or more Metrics is used to produce all manner of reports. To understand the basics of Bi4Cloud see Creating Reports in Bi4Cloud.

Be sure to watch the Bi101 Video to see how easy it is to use BI4Cloud to make you own reports and deliver them effortlessly to yourself and your fellow users.


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