When you click on a report row you then drill down to the underlying data.
You can set the Drill Down sequence to go where it make sense to your business.
For Example to see Sales Margin by Customer then Drill down to the Items that customer bought
- Open the Margin by Customer Favourite. Notice the Analyze By is set to Customer
- Drill down is determined by the Then By Field so Click on the drop down arrow in the Then by field. Choose Items to Drill down to see Margin by Item sold to that customer or pick any of the many other options e.g. Salesperson, Job, Referral Source etc. Don't forget to Save the Favourite if you want to reuse it.
- Now Click on the Customer Name to Drill down to see what each Customer has bought.
- Once you have Drilled Down a Filter for that customer has been set, the Analyze by is now by Item and there is a new Then by, this is where you will drill down to next.