Favourite Reports - Subtotals (Group By)

Add and remove Subtotals in your reports using the Group By field.

This is a great way to organise your data so that it is more useful.

Simple Subtotal Group by

For Example to see all Customers Grouped together by State:

  1. Open the Monthly Sales by Customer Favourite.
    Notice that the Group By is set to (No Grouping) so there is only a Grand Total on the report.

  2. Subtotals are determined by the Group By field so Click on the drop down arrow in the Group by  field.  Choose Customer State or pick any of the many other options e.g. Customer Country, Customer on Hold etc.

  3. You now have a Customer Sales report, grouping together customers by State. 

  4. Save the new Favourite, give it a name and it will be there for you to use again and again.

  5. The Default Group by will be in Alphabetical Order, to instead Group by the Account Number in Alpha/Numerical order click on the Properties - Click here.

Change the Group by Location or Add Multiple Subtotals

  • Totals on Top
  • Columns - Show Group by data on each Row
  • Add Multiple Subtotals

1. Click on the Green + icon next to the Group by Field


2. Change the Group by location or set up Multiple subtotals



Show Group by Data on each Row (Group by Column)

Sometimes you may want to see the Group by data (e.g.State) as a field against each Customer's name instead of shown as a Subtotal. 

This can be very useful when exporting data to Excel for further manipulation. It is also a way to expose another field in your report that may not be available when you +/- Columns.



Multiple Subtotals

Learn more about using Multiple Subtotals - Click here.





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