Classic: Analyze by Detail - To see all fields at transaction level detail

Analyze type reports allow you to see your data in more detail.

Choose the Analyze by Detail option to see all available fields right down at transaction level.

Run any Analyze type Report (Click here to identify which reports are Analyze type).

For example the Item Sales report - Customers by Item report shows each customer who bought each Item.


To see each Detail transaction change the Analyze By (row Dimension) to Detail

Now you will see each transaction for each sale of that Item for the Sales Date range chosen.

Notice how the Columns change to show more detail, the GL account, the Transaction date, Invoice number etc. 


See All Available Column/Fields by clicking on the +/- Cols icon.


Move columns to the Show column to see them in your report.

Move Column position using the Green up/down arrows.

Don't forget you can then Sort, Subtotal and Filter this detail data.

Click here to see how.










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