Now available, out of the box, using BI4Cloud is the All in One Ultimate Month End Jobs P&L report:
- Actual v Budget (uses Period Job Budgets that you enter via BI4Cloud- Click Here)
- Month to date v Year to date v Last year
- Full year Budget v Forecast
Note: Click here to see how to run this same report over the GL P&L instead of Jobs
Run it as is or Hide a few Columns if you only want some, not all of the above Options.
Below is the Standard Favourite that is setup in BI4Cloud - Job Act v Period Bud v LYR - Ultimate Mth end P&L
Read on to see how to easily change the Rows and Column dimensions to suit you and your Jobs setup.
Columns Available
- Month to Date
- Actual
- Budget
- Variance $
- Variance %
- Actual Last Year
- Year to Date
- Actual
- Budget
- Variance $
- Variance %
- Actual Last Year - Full Year
- Forecast (Actual up to Month to date + Balance of budget for remaining months)
- Budget
- Variance $
- Variance %
To Add/Remove and Reorder Columns
Click in +/- icon
Choose Columns to Show or Hide, use Green arrows to Reorder Columns.
Rows Available = Analyse by
Use the Analyse by to see the options available for the level of detail in Rows:
- Job Number
- Job Header to Group Jobs together by Header 1, 2 or 3 - Click here to learn how to use Job Headers
- GL Account - The lowest level GL detail account
- GL Account Level - Header accounts to group GL accounts together
Sub-totals Available = Group by
Use the Group by feature to add one or more Sub-total Levels.
What you choose to sub-total on will depend on what level of detail you have set for the rows.
The standard Favourite (see above) is setup as follows:
- Analyse by - Job Level 1 (the top Job Header level that consolidates all Jobs under that Header)
- Group by - Account Group (Income/COS/Expense)
This shows a one line of Income, COS and Expense for each Job Header.
To edit the Sub-totals or Group by levels click on the Green +
Example - High Level P&L By Job Number
- Analyse by - Job Number
- Group by - Account Group (Income/COS/Expense)
This shows Income, COS and Expense broken out as a one line for each Job Number.
Example - Mini P&L by Job
- Analyse by - Account Group to create a Mini high level P&L
- Group by - Job Number (or you could Group by one of the Job Headers)
This shows each Job Number as a mini P&L broken out as a one line for Income, COS and Expense.
Example - P&L by Job Header
- Analyse by - GL Account level 2 Header
- Group by 1 - Account Group (Income/COS/Expense)
- Group by 2 - Job Header
This shows each Job Header as a P&L broken out by the GL account headers then by Income, COS and Expense. You could do this at the more detailed GL account level and subtotal at the more detailed Job number level.
Example - P&L - Pivot with Jobs as Columns
- Analyse by - GL Account to create a detail account level P&L
- Then by - Job Number to Pivot on Job number (or Job Header) as columns
- Group by - Account Group (Income/Expense etc)
- Show - YTD Actual v Budget v YTD Last year as columns
- Other Columns available include Month to date values, Variances and Full year Forecast & Budget
This shows a P&L by Job Number as Columns with comparisons to other periods and variances.
Filter to focus on one Job or a group of Jobs
Filter on a Job, group of Jobs or Job headers to limit your report to just those jobs.