Delete Users with existing reports

Bi4 User Admin allows admin user to create and delete users.

When deleting a user the system checks if the user has created their own reports and if so prevents the deletion issuing a warning dialog similar to this.

Screenshot 2024-02-26 at 10.04.55 am.png

This is to prevent loss of reports that may be important to the organisation.

Before the user can be deleted these reports must be deleted from their account. 

If these reports are important and they need to be presevered then they can be shared with another Bi4Cloud user and that user must then save a copy of that shared report before it is deleted from this user

To remove the reports

If the user's login and password is known then login to their Bi4Cloud account and delete each of the reports they own. Once the reports are removed login as Bi4Cloud Admin and delete the account.

If the users login and password is not known then you need to regain control of the account by using the following steps:

  • Have your email administrator set the email address to redirect to you so you can get access to their email.
  • In Bi4Cloud at login select Forgot Password and then type in the email address
    • An email with the reset instructions will be sent to the above email.
    • Change the password to something of your choice.
  • After password reset then login as the user and remove their reports
  • Once their reports are removed logout of Bi4Cloud and then login using your Administrator accountl.
  • Now as Administrator you will be able to delete the user


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