Inventory Forecast Report
Minimise Stock Outs
Having enough stock on hand for sale is a fundamental requirement of Inventory management and there are many techniques for minimising stock-outs.
Carrying too much stock is equally bad because it both ties up finance in unsold stock as well as takes space in often costly warehouses.
There is a lot of experience in our client base and many clients have shared their strategies in stock management
Several clients have requested we develop an Inventory Forecast report to help with determining future order timing and quantities.
The result of this input is this suggested report.
This report takes into account not only current stock levels, but time based sales demand and replenishment from purchases or warehouse transfers.
The report shows data from the current date which utilises inventory quantities in the Item table .
It is proposed to provide the option of Forecast Demand being either
- Sales Budget entered forecast OR
- using the 12 mth historical monthly averages OR
- the last 8 weeks sales overlaid on the future months.
The sample shows "crossed hatched" sections will not be displayed and only shown for understanding ON how we got there.
The report would be available to all Inventory management systems Including MYOB Classic, AccountRight Live, EXO, DataPel
The legend to the above is -
We would like feedback from the BI4Cloud community on the need for such a report and also if there is a desire participate in sponsoring.
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