
Add the date or day number for when the transaction is recorded in myob

We run a daily purchases report of all transactions but have to manually add in a formula on an excel sheet to add the date the transaction was recorded in myob (we use this report to check the column details: supplier, GL accounts, item names, line description detail spelling errors, job numbers/names, rate, quantity and total purchase)

This would save our admin at least an hour each day by having the date the transaction was entered in myob, even if the days of the month were numbered in a column ie.  1 through 31 - 1 being the first day of the month



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    Hi Jo Clarke,

    So you are wanting to be able to report on the date the purchase transactions were actually entered/posted into your accounting system rather than the actual transaction date so you can identify any transactions that were recently entered?

    Unfortunately we do not have the Posted date on purchase transactions. 

    One thought is,  when you enter in new Purchase transactions you ensure that each new transaction takes the next numeric Purchase Number in MYOB. You could then setup your BI Purchase Detail report to report by Purchase Number order and sort to see most recently entered Purchases/ Purchase numbers at the top of the report. 

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