Add Customer PO and Terms to Aged Receivables?
Can I added Customer PO number and Customer Payment Terms to the Aged Receivables report?
Can I added Customer PO number and Customer Payment Terms to the Aged Receivables report?
It sounds like having additional information will help you to chase your outstanding receivables?
Customer PO
The Customer PO field from MYOB sales invoices appears in the Aged Receivables report under the column Second Ref. To display this field change the rows to show down at the transaction level, to do this change the Analyse by (rows) from Customer to Detail. This will let you pick the Second Ref and any other fields you choose to display. See example below.
Use the +/- Cols icon to select which fields to display and in what order. See Analyze by Detail - To see all fields at transaction level detail.
Customer Terms
Customer Terms are difficult to display and then report on, sort etc. as they may include say 30 days from EOM for one customer and 7 days from Invoice for another customer. Instead we calculate the following and display these in a column:
This allows you to Order by this these columns to highlight older or overdue invoices. Using the Numeric Filter option you can also then filter for only invoices that are say more that 7 days overdue etc.
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