Jennifer Kelly
How do I create a sales report by customer by item for the last 3 years?
A client has asked is it possible to do a sales report by customer by item for the last 3 years? I can only see this comparing it against 2 years.
Use Minimum Stock/Inventory Level to help with re-orders
A Client recently asked:We want to be able to run a stock report that will show the Item Number, Item Name, Current Stock Level, Minimum stock level, and available stock (current stock level less c...
Report Customers by Postcode
A client has asked how to add postcode as a column in a standard BI4Cloud Sales by Customer report?
Can you add a Variance between Actual YTD $ and Full Year Budget $ in the P&L Forecast report?
A client recently asked if we could add an additional column to the GL Profit & Loss Forecast II report (used in the Favourite P&L - Actual v Budget inc Last Year - Ultimate Month End) They want a ...
Detailed Sales report by Line
We have a request from our parent company for a report that they can use for Audit. They are looking for a Sales Detail report that lists every line on every invoice with Sales, GP etc.So it needs...
Sales report showing for a select group of Items how many each customer bought monthly?
A client who wholesales seafood needed to see monthly sales for two specific items by customer. One product is an alternative product option to the other so they want to see how often and how much ...
How do I compare Sales or P&L over multiple years?
A new client has asked. "With Covid-19 severely impacting my results last year, how can I compare Sales and P&L over multiple years?"