The EXO product does not have specific fields in Customer or Sales Orders to store order Ship To details like City, State and Postcode. Instead these can be entered in a free form fashion into multi-purpose fields named DelAddr1 thru DelAddr6.
The catch with this is that every EXO user can put what they want in these fields.
Exo does provide a way of putting labels on the fields using Display Names
If the following Display Names are setup for Debtors. Want help?
- Shop-Centre [ or Address Name ]
- Street Name [ or Street ]
- Suburb [ or Town or City ]
- State
- Postcode
- Country ( optional )
Then these will appear in the Debtors screen like this
When a sales order is raised on this debtor account these details are copied to the sales order.
BI4Cloud integration with EXO will detect these Custom Labels and if they are named precisely the same as the above then the data will be copied to the reporting system as ShipTo City, Name, Postcode, State, Street and Country.
Sales Reports can then analyse by these unique fields.
Setting Custom Labels
Run EXO program exocfg.exe and then choose System > Display Names to access the Display Names. Choose the names of the fields from these names
- Shop-Centre or Address Name
- Street Name or Street
- Suburb or Town or City
- State
- Postcode
- Country
and instruct your team to use the fields consistently.
The above screen is an example format. If your EXO implementation uses the DELADDR fields in a different sequence then assign the label based on your usage. The important prerequisite is for the reports to correctly assign these fields you must have State, PostCode etc as separate DELADDR fields in the Customers screens.