Run the Inventory [base] Workbook to get started quickly. This is a View Only report that can be copied and customised..
This Workbook runs over Inventory data with several reports including simple tabular report for Tracked and Non-Tracked inventory as well as advanced dashboards presenting Inventory concentration by Supplier and Item and Inventory Ageing.
Supplier Concentraction Feature
Each Tab showcases a different Inventory report or chart style.
1. Inventory List
Inventory List shows tracked inventory by item, on hand quantities, quantity committed for sale, quantity on purchase orders, and the total available.
Unit cost, unit sell, and importantly, the total inventory cost on hand.
This reports is sorted by the item name. Simply click on the heading Number to sort by the number.
If you've got a large inventory listing, you might like to group it.
Grouping by supplier can make a lot of sense.
And that way you can analyze your inventory, look at what outstanding orders there are, and see how much you've got on hand on a supplier by supplier basis. Alternatively, if you have setup item custom lists or custom fields, or inventory levels they're also available to group together.
For example, if you're selling coffee beans and coffee machines, it might make sense to see those items grouped separately.
The last column AvailableBelowMinimum is shown here to provide an example of Numeric filter at work.
Available Below Minimim = On Hand - Committed + On Purchase Order - Minimum Level
Setting a Numeric filter here will display all stock that has insufficient quantity to satisfy demand.
The second tab lists non-vulnerable stock items. This view is controlled by the filter, Is Inventory = 'N' These are items whose movements are not tracked, and so this report does not display the on-hand, committed, etc, metric, stock metrics.
This is often used as a price book, so goods sold have a consistent price.
The third tab is concentration of inventory by supplier and by item.
The top supplier chart has a bar chart of aggregate cost of items by supplier, and this uses the legend on the left-hand side. Each Bar has the amount of Inventory you have in stoick by each supplier largest to smallest.
The orange and green line charts is the running total of costs and sale value. BEcause this is the sum of the Supplier costs it is abigger scale and so it uses the legend on the right
The "What is this?" block explains is how this dashboard shows where your money is tied up. It also explains how you can drill into more detail or change this to track brands or other dimensions, and to do this you need to take a copy of the workbook, but more on that shortly.
By Location
Stock by location. If you're connected to a system that has multiple stock locations, you'll see those stock locations listed here, with the available stock on hand, and on cost values.
Inventory Ageing
Inventory ageing presents a chart and a detailed report to show how long you have kept stock without selling. The "What's This" explains the features that are available in the dashboard.
The chart shows the on hand cost in a bar chart and the quarter that the items were purhcased.
This panel has a detail feature under the ellipsy which allows you to investigate further. Clicking it show the month the stock was bought. You return to the previous screen using the back arrow to re-show the quarters.
The chart should bias the bar charts to the right hand side. That would indicate that you are not holding onto old stock. If the chart shows stock that hasn't sold for a while, you can then use the lower tabular report.
This lists when individual items were last sold, last bought, and what stock is on hand.
Note that the filters control what we look at.
The "Is Inventoried" filters only Inventoried Items. OnHandCost can be set threshold value to focus on stock with greater cost. if you're not worried about items that cost less than you can filter out those having a cost of less than a thousand dollars, you can exclude them by changing those values. The last purchased weeks .
Inventory Long List
Inventory long list many more fields from the inventory system. More field are available in the report editor which is accessible once you copy the workbook.
Customising the workbook - make it your own
Customising to make and keep changes requires you to copy and save the read-only workbook.
The instruction for this are in the text below however it'll be easier if you what the video above from the chapter "Customising your Workbook" The animation below shows how to select a charpter. So scrollup up the article to the video and select the chapter "Customising your workbook" .
This is the transcript:
Open the side menu and you will see a Copy function. You can create a copy directly, but if you create a copy, any of the changes that you've made will go directly into that copy.
Often it's better to be to start with an original base workbook, so to do that go to home, reslect the Inventory workbook, click into inventory, create a copy, give the copy a name.
We suggest you put some kind of alphabet or numeric in front of it so that you can so that it will list to the top of your reports.
After confirm save this workbook and you will see it pop up in the workbook list. You've taken a copy and saved it, there's many new options that come up. On the top menu, you'll see a new button that allows you to make your own reports and dashboards directly.
On the left-hand panel you'll se you can set this as the default workbook and a default tab, and you can also see an option to share reports with others, as well as schedule emails.
if you make changes here, you can undo those changes. There a new pencil button which will allow you to edit.
What we can do here is, is we can take a copy of a particular tab. For instance, we'll take the copy of the inventory list. Which puts it out on the right. And what we can do is we can customise that. We can say, with supplier number.
Use the edit button. We can find the item tables. We can drag and drop the supplier number in. Save it.
Then what we might want to do is we might want to say, group by supplier. And we might want to put other filters on as we see fit.
When you save that, we'll have our inventory listing with the supplier details. And you can move that across as you wish.
In summary, once you've made a copy of the workbook, you can make all sorts of customisations. And make it your own.
You can then share it with others, or share it with your emails.