Fast Links
- How do I access my Clients BI system ?
- How many trials have I referred and what is the gross income ?
- How can I monitor a new prospects trial ?
- How do I know which clients aren't using BI and need my services to help ?
When a Business signs up for Bi4Cloud they provide information about the business and this is stored as an Organisation. The Organisation can have one or more company files ( accounting files ) connected to the organisation. The organisation is discreet and self contained and can control it's user, password, report sharing and access. The organisation has a Primary Admin user and this is the email address of the original sign up
- Business Organisation - Sample Business #1
- Company File #1 of Sample Business #1
- Company File #2 of Sample Business #1
Organisation Advisors have an Organisation just like a Business has an Organisation. An Organisation can have one or many Company files connected to it.
- Advisor #1 Organisation
- Company File #1 of Advisor #1 Organisation
- Company File #2 of Advisor #1 Organisation
When an Advisor logs into Bi4Cloud, using their Bi4Cloud credentials, they are presented their Advisor Organisation. The screen is the Bi4Cloud Administrator screen and it is similar to business owners screen in that it shows the Company files (either test or real files) that are connected to the Advisor Organisation. There is an "Advisor" label under the Bi4Cloud Logo to indicate your are logged in as an advisor. Advisor accounts have additional two options, shown with red circles below, that Business Owner Organisations do not have and these two options access information about the Advisor Organisation's clients.
The red circles 1 and 2 show items that only appear on the advisor console. The blue hexagon is an indicator for BI Connector
- The first circle is under button that gives access to information about your clients
- The second circle is under a button that gives you access to your clients reporting system
- The Blue hexagon is an indicator that shows 1 or more datafiles are on a clients server and it shows if it is online or offline.
Note the list of company file are the files connected to this Advisor organisation.
Access your Client's BI Reporting System
Clicking the Client option ( it's shown above in circle 2 ) on the menu bar provides access to all the Advisor's Client Organisations. This screen features a distinctive blue jagged tear-off banner with the heading "Your Clients"
It shows each Client Organisation summary information. Clicking on the expand arrow ">" will then show each company within the selected client's organisation. The information displayed here depends upon the level of access the client has given to the Advisor. It typically displays the KPIs and spark charts showing client business activity to give the advisor a snapshot view of the clients business.
Minimally the information displayed will contain the company name and last extract time. If the Client has provided the Advisor permission then additional buttons and charts are displayed. That permission is set in the after the end-user user logs in under the Organisation menu. See below.
An Advisor gains greater access to their Clients Organisation by clicking through to Green LOGIN button. If you got a RED LOGIN button then the client has not allowed access. See above.
The LOGIN button provides access to the Client BI Admin menu and gives the advisor the ability to setup and configure clients reports and charts. When the advisor is in the Clients BI system they are logged in as that organisations Primary Admin User. We call this ghosting. When you GHOST in you takeover the primary user and in this way can have complete access to the users BI instance. You can determine if you are in a Clients BI system because a) you see their data files and b) their Organisation name is display in highlighted Yellow above your Organisation/Login Name.
You press EXIT-GHOST to leave the ghost session or LOGOUT to take you out of the GHOST and your Advisor session
One more point back to the summary client screen. You can use this screen to see when your clients last logged in, when their subscription expires and how many companies they have connected. You can filter to find specific clients using the filter icon in the headings and you can look at specific client status like lapsed clients.
However if you require further information then this can be found in the Client Meta Data reporting area which is described next.
Client Meta Data and Advisor Income
The second Advisor specific option ( that Icon shows with a red circle (1) ) provides access to the Advisor Income including amortised income and access to your Clients Meta data including login statistics, favourite usage and the number of company files connected. There are several reports and charts here that will assist the advisor in monitoring clients activity and minimising client churn. In the screen shot below we show the churn report showing the login count for last 30 and 7 days indicating the usage frequency.
To access this area you need to be in the Advisor Admin screen and click the button highlighted in Red.
The following menu of reports is presented
Evaluation Progress
The "00 Evaluation Progress" shows the usage of the BI4Cloud system by Evaluation Client and the reports is ordered by the number of Days the Evaluation has lasted.
If you see a non zero value under Companies_In_Use and high counts in 7 day and 30 day logins then it's likely the evaluation is going well. If the Companies_In_Use is 0 then they have not connected a company file and are not trialling their data. This is a RED flag and they need to be followed up.