QuickBooks Online: Location and Class Reporting & Budgets

logo-qbo-60.pngBudgeting and Report by Location and Class 

Location and Class Analysis Codes in Transactions

QuickBooks Online provides categorisation of transaction activity with a feature of Locations and Classes in transactions. Location information is entered in the transaction header ( Invoice Header, Bill Header) and Class information can be setup to be entered in the transaction header or transaction detail lines. Conceptually it looks like this.

Screen_Shot_2018-06-20_at_11.06.42_am.png  Location in Header and Class in Line Detail


Location and Class can be used for any type of divisional analysis sales centre, regions, activity centres in commercial organisation and programs, funding sources and grants in not for profit organisations. ( See also Analysis Code comparisons )

Transaction reporting 

Bi4Cloud provides reporting of the Location and Class in the Analyse Sales report. This permits reporting by all the transaction dimensions in various formats including Pivot by each of Location and Class.

Sales Pivot By Class vs Location - Detail Metrics

Screenshot 2025-01-01 at 5.04.11 PM.png

Sales Pivot By Class vs Location - Less Noise

Screenshot 2025-01-01 at 5.04.22 PM.png

Sales Pivot Class vs Month

Screenshot 2025-01-01 at 5.10.05 PM.png

Bi4Cloud features the ability to generate Profit and Loss Reports by the Location and Class. Here are some examples.

Profit and Loss Group By Class pivot by Month


Profit and Loss Group By Class pivot by Account Group


Hierarchy in Class

Classes in QuickBooks Online can be setup to include hierarchy so that one class can be a header class for other sub-classes. In QuickBooks Online the Class hierarchy is defined in Settings > Lists > Class


Budgeting by Class

QuickBooks Online provides the ability to enter budgets by Class or by Location. However the standard Actual v Budget reporting from within QuickBooks Online is very basic, see Create and import budgets into QuickBooks Online.

 Bi4Cloud integrates the Class Budgets that are entered in QuickBooks Online and allows users to create very flexible, Actual v Budget, reports in detail or summary across various time periods, including reporting on Full Year Budget.  Bi4Cloud selects the QuickBooks Online budget to integrate by looking at the QuickBooks Online Budget that is within the range of the current date and and is the last one to be modified.

With Class Hierarchy and Class Budgets integrated some interesting report outcomes are possible.

P&L Account Groups pivot Class


P&L by Class pivot by Account Group - Actuals v Budgets


P&L Class pivot by Month Group By Class Level 1 - Actuals v Budgets


Switch the Pivot from Monthly to Quarterly - Actuals v Budgets


All the standard Bi4Cloud facilities of choosing Analyse, Group and Time dimensions are available. You also have the ability to drill through to detail level on any reports without needing a login to your accounting software.


bi-logo-trans.png Reporting Functionality with Location and Class

Bi4Cloud uses a business intelligence (BI) tool to implement reports. This BI tool summarises your data in various dimensions of the underlying Accounting system. You can choose the dimension to Analysis, Filter by or Group by which gives you complete report flexibility.

This is represented schematically here.



Sign up for your free 14 day trial of Bi4Cloud.com and try it with your QuickBooks Online company.



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