Sales Budget Workbook

The Sales Workbook provides comparative reporting on Sales vs Sales Budget as input into Bi4Cloud Sales Budgeting

The workbook analyses c   Sales Volumes and Margins across the following 4 tabs.

Sales By SaleRep 

The Sales By SalesRep showing Sales, Budget Variance $ and Variance % and how much of bUdget was Achieved.

Screenshot 2024-06-19 at 10.51.53 PM.png

3M Dashboard Tab TBC

This presents the Trailing 3 Months in chart and tabular format. The report utilises colour coded trend indicators and values present on a bar charted background to highlight their contribution.


Last 3 mths Compare Tab

Esentially a large format version of last 3 months sales. Defaults to Top 10 Customer by Sales volume.


YOY Comparisons

Esentially a large format version of Last 12 months sales.



This workbook include Cost of Goods and Margins and requires cost in the Sales Invoices. Typically those will require the use of Inventory to provide average cost. 


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