Keep your customers informed by knowing who is waiting for what
Getting a Sales Order is often only the beginning. If you are waiting on inventory to arrive or you need to build products to order, keeping a close eye on your outstanding Sales Orders and managing customer expectations is critical.
BI4Cloud can be used to create a number of different Sales Order (SO) reports styles.
This Article introduces the default Favourites reports that are based on the BI4 Sales-Orders-Quotes report, suggesting how you can use these or change them to suit your business need.
1. Sales - Open Orders by Item
2. Sales - Open Orders Detail - see Customer Orders in Detail by Item
4. Sales Orders (Item) - Items by Week
5. Visualise Sales Orders - Weekly
1. Sales - Open Orders by Item
The Favourite Sales - Open Orders by Item report shows total quantity of open orders (SO) for each item.
This report is filtered to report only on Sales Orders and shows for each Item on Order, the Qty on order and the Total Order value.
To help manage inventory allocation if products are on backorder the report also shows:
- Quantity on Hand - Current inventory on hand ready to ship
- Purchase Order - Quantity on PO not yet in inventory
- Quantity / Available - Qty that will be left "Available" once PO's received and SO's are shipped, calculated as:
- On Hand + On Purchase Order less on Sales Order (SO)
- Drilldown (click) on each Item to see SO's for this item by each customer order
2. Sales - Open Orders Detail - see Customer Orders in Detail by Item
The Favourite Sales - Open Orders Detail report is filtered to report only on Sales Orders and shows, in detail, all open orders (SO) for each line of each order.
Use this report to:
- Group by - to add a subtotal e.g.:
- Group by Item to show all customer orders fore each Item
- Group by Customer to show all items on order for each Customer
- Filter - to focus on specific
- Item groups
- Suppliers if you are expecting a shipment in from one supplier and need to allocate it to customer orders
- Sales Order Date - Filter fo specific date range to focus attention
- Order by - to change the sort oder e.g. to see oldest or overdue deliveries, Order by:
- Promised Date
- Order Date
3. Sales - Orders v Invoices
Many BI4Cloud users wanted to see one report that included both Sales Orders and Invoiced Orders together. The Bi4 Sales-Orders-Quotes report does just that.
The Favourite Sales - Orders v Invoices report shows by Customer the total sales that have been Invoiced and total sales that are still on order for a given date range. This report is setup to:
- Pivot by Transaction Type ( Invoice and Order)
- No Filter is set so it will pick up all Transaction Types
4. Sales Orders (Item) - Items by Week
See Orders by Item outstanding by Week to gauge how long orders have been outstanding. Easily change the column dimension to Orders by Day or by Month depending on your business.
Change Columns from Sales Order date to Promised Date to to see your upcoming demand.
Filter for a certain Sales Order or Promised Date range.
5. Visualise Sales Orders - Weekly
The favourite VDB: Sales Orders - Weekly last 90 days is setup as a visualisation and can be used to quickly see if you have an issue with Sales Orders not being fulfilled in a timely way.
To see the breakdown of orders simply:
- Analyse by to:
- Customer - to see what Customers are waiting the longest
- Supplier - to see what suppliers are holding up orders
- Item - to see what Items are holding up orders