Answer your most common questions to get started using BI4cloud.
How long is the Free Trial?
There is a 14 day Free Trial and no Credit Card details are required.
How often is my data updated?
Accounting data is auto refreshed overnight every day. There is also a manual Refresh option if you can't wait till then. The Group entity will consolidate together all individual company file data at 7am local time.
Which Plan should I choose?
All plans include the standard Favourite reports, different plans will let you change and save custom reports, schedule them to auto email or to access the Cool Stuff features. See Plans & Pricing.
Which Accounting systems do you integrate to?
BI4Cloud integrates to Xero, QuickBooks Online, MYOB AccountRight, MYOB Advanced, MYOB EXO, ABSS, Datapel WMS.
Can I export data to Excel or csv?
All BI4Cloud tabular reports can be exported to Excel or csv.
Can I schedule reports to auto email?
Using the Enterprise version of BI4Cloud, reports and dashboards can be saved to auto email out to any email address Daily, Weekly or Monthly. The scheduled emails go out at 8AM local time each day. This ensures that the overnight data refreshes and any group consolidations have all completed and data is up to date when emails go out.