
Use Minimum Stock/Inventory Level to help with re-orders

A Client recently asked:
We want to be able to run a stock report that will show the Item Number, Item Name, Current Stock Level, Minimum stock level, and available stock (current stock level less committed stock) so that we can use it to reorder any stock lines that are nearly out.

We have used the Inventory on Hand Favourite as a base, but just wondering if there is any way of easily filtering between items that have a min stock level & items that don’t, whilst keeping the item code in alphabetical order. We only maintain Minimum inventory levels for certain stock items.



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  • Official comment

    Starting with the Bi4 Inventory on Hand or suggest instead using the Bi4 Item Sales v All Inventory report as a starting point you are able to set a Filter to select only items where the Minimum stock level is say > 0.

    • Select the Filter icon
    • Scroll down to Add Numeric Filter
    • Select Min Level is > 0 to see items with a Min Level
    • Select Min Level = 0 to see items without a Min Level
    • Save each of these reports

    Bi4 Item Sales v All Inventory

    By using the Bi4 Item Sales v All Inventory report you will also see other information to help with re-ordering including:

    • recent weekly/monthly sales history
    • number of weeks since an item was last sold and last purchased
    • a column calculating the qty of SOH or of Available that is below minimum
    • Drill down on the blue arrow  to see current and past Purchase Orders 
    • Learn more see - Item Sales v All Inventory: Track Inventory against Sales History

    Set Alert to Notify when SOH or Available is Below Minimum

    Why not set a second Numeric Filter for where Qty on hand or Qty Available is < 0.

    This would be an ideal report to save as an email alert to notify you when it is time to re-order, see

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