Add Filters to focus your attention on certain aspects of your business.
Any number of Filters can be set in combination to either Restrict to certain data or to Exclude that data.
Filters can be:
- Text based e.g. Sales to Customers in NSW
- Numeric e.g. Margin < 30%
Textural Filter
For Example to see Item Sales by Customer just for all customers excluding NSW:
- Open Sales (Item) - Items by Customer Favourite.
Notice that this is reporting All Customers and All Items.
Select the Filter icon. - The list of fields that can used to Filter on is quite extensive.
Click the look up on the Customer State field. - Select the State you wish to Filter by (NSW).
- To Exclude NSW customers tick the NOT box next to Customer State.
- The report is now Filtered to Exclude sales to NSW customers
- To convert this to a report to Restrict to only NSW Customers untick the NOT box.
To remove the Filter completely click on the Red X to delete it.
Numeric Filters
Numeric Filters are set at the bottom of the Text Filter page.
Numeric Filters will change depending on which report you are running.
For Example to see Item Sales last Month where the Margin was <30%:
- Open the Sales (Item) - Margin by Customer Favourite
- To see Margin by each Invoice/line item Change the Analyze by to Detail.
- Select the Filter icon and scroll down to the bottom of the Text Filters.
- Click on Add Numeric Filter
- Choose Margin % set to < 30
The result is an Exception Report highlighting all Item sales last month <30% Margin.
Why not Group by Sales Rep to see which Rep is selling for low margins or by Customer to see where the problems are.
Save this as a new Favourite. Exception reports like this are great to set up to Auto Email (Enterprise Version). If there are Exceptions the report fires off to warn you, if no Exceptions then no report is emailed.