Use Standard MYOB with BI4Cloud to process NDIS Claims
NDIS Service Providers you can utilise Standard MYOB in combination with BI4Cloud to setup and process your NDIS support worker and participant activity. You can report on participants grant activity for actuals vs budget on a monthly basis and automatically claim on the NDIA portal.
To understand the impact of NDIS fee for service versus the block funding model read The NDIS Impact on Cashflow for Disability Providers
Read on to gain a snapshot of the things you need to do to setup to implement NDIS with MYOB.
The detailed Implementation Guide is available below and provided free under open source license as our contribution to the disability sector
A free trial of Bi4Cloud is available from our website.
If you email
- subject: NDIS System Implementation Guide
Then we provide and extended a 60-day trial and will setup your trial so you can upload claims to the portal.
- Your NDIS Number, Contact Name, Email and Company Name.
The setup uses the standard MYOB to manage Participants, Grants and Support Workers
- NDIS participants are setup as Customers and utilise custom lists for Client Type and Participant Number
- The Participants NDIS Grant is setup as a Job along with Budgets
- Setup NDIS Activity Codes as MYOB Activity Codes
- The Support Workers are setup as Employees
NDIS Participant is setup as a Customer
NDIS Grant is setup as a Job
A Participants Grant can Budgeted Monthly for 2 years
You can learn more about Monthly Job Budgets here
Process Service Activity
Once the Service Provider provides services to the Participant these activities are entered into MYOB using Time Billings Activity Slips. The entry includes the Job and Notes.
This entry can be bulk loaded via spreadsheet or direct interfaced using a third party timesheet application.
Service Activity Entry
Billing and Claiming from NDIA portal
After completion of timesheet and service activity the MYOB Time Billings functionality is used to generate invoices.
The MYOB system provides a control screen to indicate the customers who will be billed and then generates the invoices.
At this point the BI4Cloud system is used to provide billings reports and create the CSV claim file which is then saved and uploaded to the NDIA portal.
After you log into the NDIA portal the saved CSV file is then selected and downloaded.
Because standard MYOB has been used to manage the processing of all accounting information for participants, service providers, grants and service activity you have the benefit that it is held within the one place. No extra spreadsheets to lose.
This solution provides a uniquely inexpensive solution with added benefit of readily available MYOB resources for training and bookkeeping.
Also all MYOB features are available including receivables report and receipt of payment. Also because it's coupled with BI for Cloud the monthly billings to budget and activity breakdown are available to ensure service provision and claim recovery is kept on track.
Further details of the NDIA format and how BI produces it can be found here
Also attached is a case study of the implementation at Firstchance Inc who participated in the NDIS Pilot in the Hunter region. The implementation was performed by internal staff and the external MYOB advisor was Cinch Financial Services.
The case study appears on the NSW Family and Community Services website.
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