Account Alignment
When combining several company files together the Chart of Accounts in each company may have name and account number differences between the companies. Inconsistent accounts and account codes can cause issues with consolidated reports.
GL Account Alignment Feature
The GL Account Alignment program allows users to map accounts to a single (main) chart of accounts (COA). This is done in BI4Cloud in the Cool Stuff area so it DOES NOT affect or change the actual GL accounts within your accounting file.
Account Alignment is available from the Cool Stuff menu, see below.
1. Choose the Reference Company as the Master COA
First choose the reference company, this will become the Master COA that all others will map to. To select this click on the Organisation menu option on the main admin screen.
In the field labelled Which company is your master COA ? choose a company from the pulldown list.
2. Choose a Company to Align
Select the company that you want to have accounts aligned by choosing the Cool Stuff button for that company and selecting GL Account Alignment for the above menu.
The program will find Accounts in the Master and the Subordinate company with the same Account Classification as the Master COA and attempt to match based upon
- The Account Numbers Match
- The Account Descriptions Match
The auto matched accounts are then displayed. Users are able to manually match other accounts using the pulldown list on the right. The pulldown list will display any unmatched accounts in the same Account Classification as the reference company.
The manually aligned accounts will show the account they are now aligned to with a blue dot which indicates it was changed. You can also hover over the blue dot to show the original account number and name.
When complete press Save to exit the Account Align program and save the changes.
Note: Although the Align program automatically attempts to align accounts as stated above it does not save this because it requires your verification, so you will need to press Save if you want these alignments to persist.
Further companies can be chosen and aligned. Once complete, choose the consolidated group company and refresh it. The consolidated company will now display the accounts as per the account alignment above.
1. Align Accounts One for One
Account Alignment is done on a one for one basis. That is, each GL account in each "Aligned" company must be matched to a unique GL account in the Master COA. You are not able to align two or more accounts in one company to only one GL account in the Master COA. In this case you will need to first add a new GL account into the reference company Master COA and then align to this new account.
2. Create Flexi Levels to report using GL Account Group/Sort
Learn how to group GL accounts together, change the account order and account names in Flexi Levels using the GL Account Group/Sort option in Cool Stuff.