Advanced Balance Sheet
The Advanced Balance Sheet provides greater flexibility and more details than regular balance sheet reports by implementing the following features
- Balance Sheet include Opening Movements and Closing Balances
- Balance Sheet can be produced for user defined data range
- Drill down on Journal and Detail dimension display the transaction details
- The report can be run for up to six date ranges
Balance Sheet Default WorkBook
From the workbook selection screen select category Accounts and then type 'base' into the search bar. You will be shown those workbooks in the Accounts Category that have the workbook with 'base' in it's name ie. Our Base workbooks. Choose Balance Sheet [Base] from the list
The WorkBook contains several default reports on it's tabs and these are examples you can explore.
Other Examples
Balance Sheet by Account MTD (Month-to-Date)
Analyse by Account with Opening, Movement and Closing Balances by changing the date filter on the tab.
Drill Through to Transaction Detail
Using the above report click on Bank Account to see underlying Journals
Or you could select Detail in the Drilldown selector and then click Bank for detail transactions
Multiple date ranges
Example with 4 user defined date ranges with Opening, Movement and Closing Balances.
- see tab LM YTD & Last Yr
Closing Balances Only
Use report edit pencil to select only Closing Balances for less clutter. Tab LM YTD Closing
Bi4Cloud has contains many advanced features that you can use to customise your reporting needs and the fastest way to experience that is to book a free 20 minute demo