Custom Lists and Fields

MYOB Classic

  • Each Customer, Supplier, Employee and Item has 3 Custom Lists and 3 Custom Fields.
  • Each Customer List and Field can have a user defined label.
  • Bi4Cloud can access the Custom List Labels but not the Custom Field Labels because the field labels are not exposed
  • Each Custom List can have a preset list of values so there is data consistency.
  • An example of a Custom List is Brand and it can have vcalue Gucci, Target, Maserati
  • An Example of a Custom Field is Lead Time with free entry values

MYOB AccountRight Live

Ditto for all of MYOB Classic + Labels on Custom Fields are exposed and available in BI4Cloud. Learn More

Datapel WMS

  • DataPel implements the the same custom lists and fields as in MYOB AccountRigh.
  • Additionally the BST_BaseStock tables has  24 User Defined Fields fields that can be programmatically mapped to Bi4Cloud.


  • The Exo Debtors table has 2 field labels Sales Primary Group and Secondary Group and these are mapped as the first two custom field in Bi4Cloud Customer dimension
  • The Exo Creditors table has 2 field labels Miscellaneous Primary Group and Secondary Group and these are mapped as the first two custom field in Bi4Cloud Supplier dimension
  • The Item dimension has 5 fields StockGroup 1 and 2, StockPriceGroup1, StockBranch, StockCalssification and these map to 5 custom fields in Bi4Cloud
  • Exo provdies a facilities for the implementors to add extra feilds in many screens / databases. These rae typically prefixed with an X_  eg. X_WebCode. Bi4Cloud can not automatically access these and the Bi4Cloud extraction process can add these extra fields to internal custom field. This is an extra cost.
  • Exo does not implement a formatted address. The five address fields are simply text and can contain any values. Although the labels on the fields are implementor defined but not verified. For thus reason there is no State field in mapping of Bi4Cloud to Exo unless there is a specifiic State field added as an X_ . As one can see from the Exo demonstartion database below the field labelled City/Town actually contains a string "BRISBANE QLD" which is the city and state . . . .


MYOB Advanced

  • MYOB Advanced has User Attributes asociated with Customer and Suppliers. At the time of writing the integration is in-progress and so the intent is tio map thee ti custom lists.
  • Further details on Acumatica User Attricutes are here 


  • Xero implements two tracking codes. These codes optionally appear in Purchases, Bill and  Orders and Sale Invoices at a line item level. The se are implemented in Bi4Cloud as transaction custom lists in Sales, Purchases and GL Mappings. Learn More
  • Xero Contacts ( Customer and Suppliers ) have a default Tracking Code assign and this is implemented as a psuedo custom list on these dimensions

QuickBooks Online

  • QuickBooks Online implements a Location and  Class code. These codes optionally appear in Purchases, Bill and  Orders and Sales. Learn More 
  • QuickBooks Online Items has ItemCategoryType, ServiceType, ItemGroupDetail are mapped to CustomLists in Bi4Cloud.
  • Customers and Suppliers (Vendors) have no user defined fields in the QuickBooks online product, althought the QuickBooks Desktop does. Accordingly there is no mapping in Bi4Cloud.



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