Has your MYOB Administrator password changed?
To update your MYOB Administrator password
- Login to BI as Admin
- Click on Setup
Click on the Settings / tool icon
Update your MYOB Administrator password.
This will Validate it on the MYOB Cloud.
Note: If the User Name and Password are blanked out this may indicate that your login username is also setup in MYOB to be able to automatically login as Administrator - So just click Save.
Have your MYOB Credentials changed?
If you have changed your MYOB login credentials or if the above does not fix the connection issue we suggest you Disconnect your MYOB file and Reconnect it again
- Login to BI as Admin
- Click on Setup
- Click on the Rubbish Bin icon to to Disconnect your MYOB file from BI4Cloud
- To Reconnect your MYOB Cloud file click on the link below
- Connect MYOB AccountRight Live
- NOTE: If you have multiple MYOB files connected we recommend you:
- delete them one at a time and reconnect each file before you delete the next
- check any saved reports you have filtered for a specific file to make sure they report on the correct file
- check any saved reports running over the Consolidated Group to ensure they report on the correct files
- check the Consolidated Group includes the newly connected files see