Running MYOB on Network Drives

If you run your MYOB software by connecting to a network drive then this is one of the LEAST EFFICIENT ways to run MYOB.

The reason is MYOB needs to read / lock and write data. There are a number of lock files that are created. When it runs on a server this is done at local disc speeds. When it's done over a network it's done at slower network speeds. This causes MYOB to run slow and in most case may because user lock-out and file corruption.

The best way to move data is to leave it in one place.

So the best scenario is have MYOB and the MYOB files on a server and have user connect via terminal server.

Many organisation store their MYOB on a network drive because it is convenient and easy to share but don't weigh up the operational performance.

One of our business partners, OzBeanz, hosts 600 organisations at their data centre.

Craig Hynes of OzBeanz has the following to say

The MYOB AccountRight multi-user versions perform best when run in a Terminal Services or Remote Desktop Services environment. One of the principal causes of disconnections, freezing and slow response times is the applications' need to have the fastest possible connection between the company file and the application file. Local network speeds, switching, routing, wifi and a whole host of 'other' potential problems interfere with the applications' need to read & write to the company file using the protection mechanisms built into the application.
For this reason, running the MYOB AccountRight multi-user versions (Premier and Enterprise) over a peer-to-peer network environment or using mapped drives for accessing the company file just won't work especially when more than one user is accessing the company file. 
The ONLY successful way to engineer a multi-user environment is to install the application on a server, place the company file on the same drive where the application is installed and have your users connecting to the software using a Remote Desktop Connection client from their workstation or laptop. 
You will still need to perform regular maintenance on your company file depending on it's size like 'optimisation' and end of year 'purge' but when installed in this manner, both the AccountRight Premier and AccountRight Enterprise perform at their best.

You can learn more about MYOB in peer-to-peer and networks usage and how OzBeanz host their services in this article AccountRight Networking Problems


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