AccountRight Live Access Permission

MYOB_Web_and_digital.png AccountRight Live Access Permissions

MYOB AccountRight Live provides feature to control access to various areas of the product. When connecting Bi4cloud the user select must have Read access to all the areas of the product. Without this Bi4Cloud will not be able to access the data and will not work.

AccountRight Live is peculiar in that it can have two authentication steps.

1. A user a login 


2. A user company sign-on


Normally the connection to Bi4Cloud uses the MYOB Administrator login because that normally has permission to read all files but a user themselves may have Administration Privileges (Roles).

Regardless of which is chosen for Bi4Cloud the MYOB permission will need to access to all areas.

Normally the default settings are such that nothing needs to be done for the Administrator roles to function but occasionally well meaning Advisors change this in an attempt to improve security.

To check access permissions do the following

1. Login to AccountRight Live

2. Select Setup > User Access


3. Then next ensure that the User used for Bi4Cloud has a Role of Administrator 


4. Next Click the Manage Roles tab and ensure that the Administrator Role has read access to all areas


With this checked / set you can exit AccountRight


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