My BI reports are missing data


Data is not Refreshing

Check the Last Extract date and time, this should refresh every night.
If your Last Extract is not up to date - Go through this Checklist

Incorrect filters

Check any filters that are being applied to the reports which may be restricting what data is being displayed. Report filters are displayed immediately above all BI reports and can be modified by choosing the magnifying glass icon, or deleted altogether by choosing the delete icon.

Incorrect Date Ranges

Check the date Range that is set up for the report. Does the date range cover the period you are expecting? Try to use the range options like This month or This week rather than entering fixed dates.

Historical data has been purged when rolling year end

If you purge your historical data in MYOB for prior years this will delete the underlying detail transactions in the MYOB company file. 

If your historical data for previous years has been purged (permanently deleted from MYOB) it will no longer appear in BI reports as these are generated from the detailed transactions.

We recommend you make a backup of your MYOB company file prior to purging then you are able to connect BI to the backup company file to see historical data.

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