My Data is not Auto Refreshing

Once BI4Cloud is set up correctly it should automatically refresh your data from your accounting system every night. 

Sometimes you may not see the data you expected and if so follow this checklist.

1. Does the Last Extract time appear correct?

The Last Extract date and time is displayed on the BI Admin Console and on BI reports when you run them. Does it look correct?

  • YES - but my reports are missing data - Look at this article
  • NO - Read on

2. How is your BI4Cloud connecting to your Accounting Data?

  • I use MYOB AccountRight Live and my MYOB file is in the Cloud. You may need to recheck connections and passwords  - Check connection
  • I use MYOB AccountRight Live and my MYOB file is on my premises - Read on
  • I use the BI Connector to connect to MYOB, EXO, SAPB1 or Datapel which is located on a local server - Read on

3. Is your BI Admin console showing "Online"?

  • YES - Read On
Only the BI4Cloud Admin users will see this screen below when they first login. If the BI Connector is NOT Online then our BI Cloud will not be able to find your data file to connect to and sync to.


4. Was your Computer/Server where your MYOB file and the BI Connector are located turned on overnight?

  • NO - Your Server/Computer must be on for the Auto Refresh to occur overnight
  • YES - Read On 

 5. Have you changed your datafile passwords?

  • YES - MYOB Classic - If you change the MYOB Administrator password then we cannot connect.  Login to the BI Connector and Edit the connection to update your information Classic MYOB datafile.
  • YES - EXO, SAP - In SQL systems if you change the DB password we cannot connect.  Login to the BI Connector and Edit the connection update your information. Read connect an EXO, SAP B1 or DataPel system
  • NO - Read On

6. Have you moved your datafile?

7. Are you running the latest version of the BI Connector?

  • CHECK - To determine if you are running the latest connector you simply Login to the BI Connector and it will prompt you if there is an update. Click Updating Versions.
  • YES - Read on

8. Has there been new firewall software installed or changes on your server?

  • YES - Check that the your server allows BI Connector to access. Check Firewall settings
  • NO - Read on

9. You are using a proxy server to access the Internet?

  • YES - BI Connector does not work with proxy servers. You need to pass through our data so we can access our cloud servers. Check Proxy Settings
  • NO - Read on

10. Have windows updates been recently applied?

  • YES - Some Windows updates can change the underlying .NET libraries which the BI connector relies upon. Re-Install the BI Connector and see if it fixes the issue.
  • NO - read on

11. Next Steps to take

The refresh process may have an issue on our cloud servers.

  • Raise a support ticket, tell us you have completed the BI Connector Checklist.

Goto > Help > Help Desk > Submit a Request

Enter Subject : Data Not Auto Refreshing  Ref #54561

The above checklist covers most of the issues we have encountered when data does not auto refresh. As you can see the majority of these are the result of changes that you have made in your environment.

Most BI users are able to use this Checklist to resolve any data refresh issues themselves.

If you do not have the resources to go through the above Checklist we are able to assist you to install and re-install the connector for a fixed price.

if you require this paid service please make a booking:

Goto > Help > Appointment > Book Now > BI Connector Install


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