Setting up Your Free Trial

Sign Up

The BI4Cloud service is available for free for the first 14 days. We don't require a credit card and once the trial period has lapsed you can choose to subscribe to the service.

To Start a Free Trial go to 

Connect your accounting system

Already Signed up and want to connect a Company file ? 

Is your data on your server ?

If you are connecting a system that is installed "on-premise" - i.e. the database or company file is on a server on your premises then you will need to run a connector that allows you to link it to the cloud. Typically MYOB Classic, MYOB AccountRight Live Server Install, EXO, SAP B1, Datapel fall into this category.

We recommend in this situation that you Sign Up through a computer that has access to the datafile, preferably the server itself.

If you are using a cloud based product like MYOB AccountRight Live or Intuit QuickBooks Online or Xero then this data is on the respective MYOB Cloud and Intuit Cloud servers and Xero Cloud servers and we connect directly to the cloud servers the applications run on. 

The various connections options are listed in connection types

Sign Up Detail Instructions

You will see the following form displayed when you click on Free Trial (without the red dots)



What do we need in fields with the red dots ?

  1. Your Given Name
  2. Your Family Name
  3. Your contact phone number. We suggest the Country Code, Area Code and Phone Number. e.g. +60 (3) 4123 4456
  4. Your Email Address

We will check the email address has not already been used and then you click Validate Email Address

Go to your email inbox and confirm your email. You see something like this. If you can't find the email check your spam.

Screenshot 2023-11-13 at 11.48.45 am.png

Press confirm and then a browser screen will open to allow you to enter your password. For security reasons the password needs to have some complexity. 

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After setting the password the Bi4Cloud Login screen is displayed. You enter the Bi4Cloud email address and password to login. After successful login you will be shown a screen of the accounting systems you can connect to.

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Choosing Xero, QuickBooks Online or MYOB AccountRight will take you to the respective vendor's login screen and you use your Login Credentials of that system for your access to that connection. The connected company info is read and is used to pre-fill the next screen.  Selecting other products will take you directly to the next screen. If you are unable to connect any of these file you can proceed using the Demo company - Bluewater.


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  1. Your Organisation's Name - usually the business name but if there are many companies you may have a different name. 
  2. This is the timezone we see on your computer and it helps us determine when automatic refresh and emails should be run
  3. Your Country - this controls what products you can connect to BI4Cloud. 
  4. This is the symbol we will print in front of currency fields. It defaults to $. This is not the currency ie. AUD, USD etc BUT it is the currency symbol. You can put $, HK$, RM, S$.  All companies connected will use this symbol by default. If you have companies with different currencies you set the currency and the symbol to those later in the company edit screen
  5. Available companies you can choose
  6. You can rename the company in Bi4Cloud
  7. Reporting start date that we will sync data from.
  8. Advisor Code is the code that determines your Advisor or Reseller of BI4Cloud. If you don't know it leave it blank.
  9. What aspects of reporting you are interested in

When done press complete sign up and start exploring Bi4Cloud.

Connecting additional Companies

The BI Admin Console will list the connected companies and allow you to add more. From the BI Admin console  you can press the Screen_Shot_2018-08-27_at_11.00.00_pm.png  icon to Add Company by connecting a company file.


You will then be presented with a screen to choose your product and company.

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There are a number of products supported by BI4Cloud and the connection instructions differ.
To connect:

  1. MYOB Cloud product AccountRight Live see this article - The first Sync may take a long time
  2. XERO see this article
  3. QuickBooks Online see this article
  4. MYOB Advanced or Acumatica see this article
  5. MYOB AccountRight live on Premise see this article
  6. MYOB Classic product like Premier, Enterprise or AccountRight Desktop see here
  7. Asian versions of ABSS Premier, Singapore / Malaysian Payroll see this article
  8. A SQL Server based product like EXO,  SAP B1, Datapel WMS, Attache see here
  9. Or if yo don't have access to connect a company you can connect Demo.

I'm Connected - What Now ?

We suggest you login to your BI4cloud account at and try the default workbooks we have created running on your data.

There are several resources available so you can chose what works for you depending on your preferences.

1. I like to watch - Plenty of video resources at See It

2. I like to read - Articles on using BI4Cloud at Getting Started

3. I like to be shown - Book a free 15 mins free demo or buy some consultant time at Booking Appointment

4. Also this article on Getting Support can help

Happy Analysing.

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