The BI Connector can connect several types of datasource to the BI Cloud. In this article we shall describe the process for connecting a the following MYOB AccountRight Live On Premise
- AccountRight Live on-premise datasource Link
After Sign Up the system will display the BI Admin Console. You can also get to this Console by logging in at
You can connect a company file by selecting Add Company icon
Before you do this you should ensure you have the following
- Are you on the server where the MYOB company file is located, and does this computer stay on 24-hours a day ?
- Do you have the MYOB Administrator password ?
- Do you have the Windows Administrator password ?
If that's all go then press Add Company Icon and web page showing all the available connection types will be shown. The Connector is only used when your Accounting software runs on your desktop or Server and all these products are listed down on the right of the screen. Scroll down and choose MYOB Exo icon becuase the connector is the same for OnPremise AccountRight.
Once the download is complete you need to install the connector. Choose Open to run it.
The connector install will launch and you will need to press next to proceed with the install. This program relies upon Microsoft .NET 4.71 and if that is not installed then it will be downloaded and installed automatically. This can take time on a slow internet connection. Once the install is done press Finish
The connector will now launch and you need to enter your BI4cloud credentials (login and password) to connect and identify the connector to our Cloud.
The first time you install the connector the following screen will be displayed.
Types of Connection - Simple or Advanced
The above screen is used to connect a single company or datasource to our cloud servers. This is what we term a Simple connection.
The alternative is an Advanced connection which is accessed by clicking the Advanced Option link on the lower right side of this screen.
This is the connection we recommend.
Advanced Multi-Company and Auto Refresh Setup
Before you start setting up the advanced options ensure you know
- where your MYOB company file is stored
- and also the company file Administrator password if there is one.
Without this you cannot make a company selection and refresh. If you don't know these details then you need to obtain them before proceeding.
If you intend to sync multiple companies your BI software must be licensed for more than one company.
1. To select multiple companies or to set the refresh mode press the "Advanced Options" on the lower right of the screen.
2. You will then have displayed a multi-company select and refresh screen similar to this.
There is a pulldown list that show the style of Refresh Mode
Note the Refresh Mode selection - if you want automatic refresh you must select Automatic.
There are three selections Automatic, Manual and Run at Startup. Automatic is the best option as refresh will occur automatically after hours or requested from your browser screen. Manual will require you to open this program to refresh. Run at Startup is planned to be discontinued and is only here for backward compatibility for older installations. We are often asked how frequently do we refresh - see this article.
3. To add a company file press the Edit and select the Product from the pulldown list
4. Choose the Product AU AccountRight Live
5. Press the Browse button and select company file.
AccountRight Live on premise
When you chose AccountRight Live Product Type in the BI Connector "Edit" connection then you will be shown a list of the MYOB company file that are present on the server.
These are the companies that have been added to the AccountRight Library and not the .myox files on your file system. BI4Cloud is MYOB certified and the connection utilises the official MYOB method to connect to the MYOB API and reads responses from the URL http://localhost:8080/AccountRight - if you have NOT installed the MYOB API this will not work.
Important Note
1. You must install MYOB AccountRight Server Edition. Only the Server Edition will work.
2. Syncing and refreshing an MYOB AccountRight Live file when it's installed locally is a intensive memory and computer process. Your server needs a minimum dual core CPU and 4 GB of memory and we strongly suggest you only sync in real time if your system is adequately resourced with few other tasks running and that you normally allow the file to sync after hours.
MYOB Password
Once the MYOB Company is selected you will prompted for the MYOB Administrator password if one exists.
6. You will need to know the company file Administrator password. If this is required you will be prompted for it.
Please Note: If you change the administrator password on your MYOB file at some time in the future you will need to return to here to update it here as well.
7. The Company name will display and that confirms the company you selected, you can Edit the name or just press the Save button to save the entered details.
Once details are saved you will be asked if you wish to sync the company file to the cloud now. If you choose No you can elect Refresh All later. If you select Yes the refresh will occur immediately.
8. When the refresh occurs you will see a progress text displayed under the company file being refreshed.
- Depending upon the size of the database and your Internet connection speed this can take some time. Be patient - let it finish.
When complete you will see something similar to this
9. You can continue selecting companies until you reach your licensed limit.
10. If you chose not to refresh individually you can use the Refresh All button to refresh all companies. As the refresh progresses a progress text is displayed under each company and when finished a completion dialog is displayed.
- Now that the sync is done you can run BI4Cloud
- We recommend that you open a web browser and goto and login
- For convenience there is a Start Analysing button that will do this in the connector but you should restrict use of this an instead login through the above web line.
Important Note
- Do Not Leave the connector form up and running. If you do the connector will not poll our Cloud servers and no Auto Refresh will occur. Close all the connector forms.
- Only install one connector for an Organisation.
- If you install more than one connector then they will overwrite and corrupt each others information on the cloud server.
- If you change servers ensure you delete the BI connector on the old server before installing the new one.
To access BI4Cloud use any PC or tablet, open a web browser and goto and login
I'm Connected - What Now ?
We suggest you login to your BI4cloud account at and try the default favourites we have created running on your data.
There are several resources available so you can chose what works for you depending on your preferences.
1. I like to watch - Plenty of video resources at See It
2. I like to read - Articles on using BI4Cloud at Getting Started
3. I like to be shown - Book a free 15 mins free dem or buy some consultant time at Booking Appointment
4. Also this article on Getting Support can help
Happy Analysing.